Romanian Christmas Carol “Sus la ‘naltul cerului”

’tis the season to be caroling, so I want to share a Romanian Christmas carol. The Christmas carol is called “‘Sus la ‘naltul cerului” ( Up to the heaven’s highness). The best version is probably the one made by the Anton Pann Ensemble for their “Concert Colinde 2010” album.


The Romanian lyrics are taken from

Sus la ‘naltul ceruluiu, la mijlocul raiuluiu
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

In varful la noua meri, arde-si noua lumanari,
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Pica noua picaturi, trei de vin si trei de mir,
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Trei de apa limpejoara, sa faca de-o baisoara
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Dar in ea cine se scalda, scalda Bunul Dumnezeu
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Tot se scalda, se’mba ieste, cu apa se limpezeste
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Cu sfant mir se miruieste, si cu vinul se grijeste
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Tot se scalda si se’ntreaba, ce-i mai bun pe-acest pamant
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pamant, nu-i mai bun ca boul bunu
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

El isi trage brazda neagra, si ne face paine dalba
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pamant, nu-i mai bun ca, calul bunu
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

El calea de noua zile ti-o calca in doua zile
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Ce-i mai bun pe-a cest pamant, nu-i mai bun ca oaia bu na
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

Ea cu branza te hraneste, si cu lana te’ncalzeste
Corindelesi Doamne, corinde

A Youtube user called “Dark Light” made a comment with the English translation of the song ( the comment is on this Youtube video ) :

Way up in the sky, in the middle of Heaven You are caroling, God, you are caroling

On the top of 9 apple trees, I will light you 9 candles You are caroling, God, you are caroling

9 drops are dropping, 3 of wine and 3 of holy oil You are caroling, God, you are caroling

3 of clear water, to make a little bath You are caroling, God, you are caroling

But who will bathe there, bathe good God You are caroling, God, you are caroling

He keeps bathing, he is bathing, with water he rinses You are caroling, God, you are caroling

With holy oil he rinses, and with wine he attends (himself) You are caroling, God, you are caroling

He keeps bathing, and he keeps asking to himself, what is the best thing on this Earth You are caroling, God, you are caroling

The best thing on this Earth, isn’t better than our good ox You are caroling, God, you are caroling

It makes a black track (with the plow), and it makes us white bread You are caroling, God, you are caroling

The best thing on this Earth, isn’t better than our good horse You are caroling, God, you are caroling

He gallops your 9 day journey in just 2 days You are caroling, God, you are caroling

The best thing on this Earth, isn’t better than our good sheep You are caroling, God, you are caroling

It feeds us with cheese, and with her wool it keeps us warm You are caroling, God, you are caroling

Some background

Some people assume that the song was written or collected by Anton Pann, the 19th century composer and musicologist. The song is from 19th century but I am not sure if it is connected to Anton Pann. The confusion comes from the fact that it was sung by the Anton Pann Ensemble.

On the same video page from which I took the translation, there was a comment made by the user “Anton Pann Ensemble” that says ‘ This melody is” Sus la ‘naltul cerului” somenthing like “Up to the high sky”, from Breazu’s folk colection. The orchestration and artistic concept belong at the Anton Pann Ensemble’s conductor, Raileanu Constantin. The song is from XIX century.’ . The comment was made by somebody connected to the official account of the Anton Pann Ensemble, so the comment is trustworthy. I wish he gave more details about Breazu’s colection (probably referring to the musicologist George Breazul).

You can listen to the entire album “Concert Colinde 2010” here You can listen for free, but you can also buy a digital version of the album.

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