Translating Mitelli’s Illustrated proverbs (Proverbi Figurati)

As a personal challenge I want to start a series of posts where I try to translate the “Proverbi Figurati” by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (published in 1678). My Italian language skills are probably at the lower intermediate skills, so don’t expect too much from me (not to mention that this is 17th century Italian). After… Continue reading Translating Mitelli’s Illustrated proverbs (Proverbi Figurati)

Muh Memes

Muses of Internet, who give glory through memes, come hither, inspire your faithful servant “ I’m not a memelord. In fact, this is my first attempt at creating memes. So forgive me if my memes are not of the highest quality. I created my memes on the imgflip website. This is the first website I… Continue reading Muh Memes

Categorized as art, memes

Music by Johann Gottlieb Naumann

Johann Gottlieb Naumann is a German composer from the 18th century. He is probably most famous for creating the Dresden Amen chord sequence. Today he is probably considered an obscure composer considering the results you get when you google “Johann Gottlieb Naumann reddit”. I discovered Naumann a few years ago, probably doing random Youtube video… Continue reading Music by Johann Gottlieb Naumann

Categorized as Music

Romanian Christmas Carol “Sus la ‘naltul cerului”

’tis the season to be caroling, so I want to share a Romanian Christmas carol. The Christmas carol is called “‘Sus la ‘naltul cerului” ( Up to the heaven’s highness). The best version is probably the one made by the Anton Pann Ensemble for their “Concert Colinde 2010” album. Lyrics The Romanian lyrics are taken… Continue reading Romanian Christmas Carol “Sus la ‘naltul cerului”

My Favorite Songs About Liberty and Rebellion

If I were to make predictions, I would say that the future doesn’t look too bright. I see more centralization of power and curtailment of liberties and freedoms all over the planet. I would not be surprised if in the near future more countries introduce a social credit system like the one implemented in China.… Continue reading My Favorite Songs About Liberty and Rebellion

Mantegna Tarocchi Symbolism: Justice (Card 37)

Let’s try to analyze the symbolical elements of Justice from Mantegna Tarocchi. You don’t need to be familiar with Mantegna Tarocchi to appreciate the symbolism. Nonetheless, you can learn about this mysterious deck here and here. Some Context Justice is the 37th image in the Mantegna deck. Cards 31 through 40 can be grouped together,… Continue reading Mantegna Tarocchi Symbolism: Justice (Card 37)