Quadratics with Complex Roots, Lill’s Circle and the Hyperbola

I already have a few papers that show how Lill’s method can be used to solve quadratic equations. In my paper “Lill’s Method and Graphical Solutions to Quadratic Equations” I showed 2 methods that can solve quadratics with real roots and 1 method for solving quadratics with complex roots. That paper also mentions that the… Continue reading Quadratics with Complex Roots, Lill’s Circle and the Hyperbola

A Note on Whittaker’s Root Series Formula

If you want to learn about Whittaker’s Root Series Formula see my post “Whittaker’s Root Series: Going Transcendental”. That post has useful links to introductory material on the topic. You can also see my OEIS sequences, since a lot of them were obtained using Whittaker’s formula. Whittaker’s Root Series Formula is obtained using the coefficients… Continue reading A Note on Whittaker’s Root Series Formula

Categorized as math

Littlewood Polynomials of Degree n with Closed Lill Paths

In this post I attempt to answer this question: How many Littlewood polynomials of degree n have a closed Lill path? A Littlewood polynomial is a polynomial that has all its coefficients equal to 1 or -1. Littlewood polynomials seem to be studied for their properties related to autocorrelation. A polynomial has a closed Lill… Continue reading Littlewood Polynomials of Degree n with Closed Lill Paths

The Tridecagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Method

The regular tridecagon is another regular polygon that cannot be constructed using a compass and straightedge. In this post I want to show how the tridecagon can be constructed using the intersection of a circle and a hyperbola. In my previous posts “The Heptagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Circle” and “The Nonagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Method”… Continue reading The Tridecagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Method

Adding and Subtracting the First n Prime Numbers to Get the Next Prime Number

In this post I want to present the following conjecture related to odd-indexed prime numbers (see OEIS sequence A031368): All the odd-indexed prime numbers larger than 2 can be obtained from all the previous prime numbers using addition and subtraction. The conjecture was inspired by Curiosa 67 from Scripta Mathematica ( page 159, Volume 7,… Continue reading Adding and Subtracting the First n Prime Numbers to Get the Next Prime Number

Lill’s Method, Prime Numbers and Tangent of Sum of Angles

In this post I want to explore again the property discussed in my paper “Lill’s Method and the Sum of Arctangents”. I’ll apply the property to this question: If tan(θ1)=2, tan(θ2)=3,tan(θ3)=5,…,tan(θn)=n-th prime number, then what is tan(θ1 + θ2 +… θn)? The question can be easily solved with a calculator. We’ll see that the answer… Continue reading Lill’s Method, Prime Numbers and Tangent of Sum of Angles