On 24th January 2025 my PC discovered a prime number large enough to be listed on PrimePages. The prime number is 3045 · 22129650 + 1, and you can see more details on this PrimePages link. The number has 641093 digits, so it’s not a megaprime (at least one million decimal digits). When it was added, it had an… Continue reading My First Large Prime Number
Author: admin
Links to the Past: World of IQ
World of IQ was a puzzle website that became defunct around the year 2011. The archived link to the main page of worldofiq.co.cc can be accessed using the Wayback Machine. I briefly mentioned the World of IQ website in my Cerebrals Society post. It was during my early days in US that I participated in… Continue reading Links to the Past: World of IQ
Links to the Past: Cerebrals Society Contests
Vreau astă seară să plătesc Cu amintiri din viața mea. Gheorghe Dinica – Sunt vagabondul vieții mele Cerebrals Society is a defunct high IQ society. I was not a member of the society, but I participated in the contests held by the society in 2009 and 2010. The website of the society is also defunct,… Continue reading Links to the Past: Cerebrals Society Contests
Lill’s Method and the Derivative of tan(θ) and the Powers of tan(θ)
Lill’s method can be used to obtain the derivatives of polynomial equations in a graphical manner. The method to obtain the derivatives is described in the paper “NOTE ON LILL’S METHOD OF SOLUTION OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS” by B. MEULENBELD. The paper complicates the matter by having Lill representations of polynomials that don’t have perpendicular segments.… Continue reading Lill’s Method and the Derivative of tan(θ) and the Powers of tan(θ)
Quadratics with Complex Roots, Lill’s Circle and the Hyperbola
I already have a few papers that show how Lill’s method can be used to solve quadratic equations. In my paper “Lill’s Method and Graphical Solutions to Quadratic Equations” I showed 2 methods that can solve quadratics with real roots and 1 method for solving quadratics with complex roots. That paper also mentions that the… Continue reading Quadratics with Complex Roots, Lill’s Circle and the Hyperbola
A Note on Whittaker’s Root Series Formula
If you want to learn about Whittaker’s Root Series Formula see my post “Whittaker’s Root Series: Going Transcendental”. That post has useful links to introductory material on the topic. You can also see my OEIS sequences, since a lot of them were obtained using Whittaker’s formula. Whittaker’s Root Series Formula is obtained using the coefficients… Continue reading A Note on Whittaker’s Root Series Formula
Littlewood Polynomials of Degree n with Closed Lill Paths
In this post I attempt to answer this question: How many Littlewood polynomials of degree n have a closed Lill path? A Littlewood polynomial is a polynomial that has all its coefficients equal to 1 or -1. Littlewood polynomials seem to be studied for their properties related to autocorrelation. A polynomial has a closed Lill… Continue reading Littlewood Polynomials of Degree n with Closed Lill Paths
The Tridecagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Method
The regular tridecagon is another regular polygon that cannot be constructed using a compass and straightedge. In this post I want to show how the tridecagon can be constructed using the intersection of a circle and a hyperbola. In my previous posts “The Heptagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Circle” and “The Nonagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Method”… Continue reading The Tridecagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Method
Adding and Subtracting the First n Prime Numbers to Get the Next Prime Number
In this post I want to present the following conjecture related to odd-indexed prime numbers (see OEIS sequence A031368): All the odd-indexed prime numbers larger than 2 can be obtained from all the previous prime numbers using addition and subtraction. The conjecture was inspired by Curiosa 67 from Scripta Mathematica ( page 159, Volume 7,… Continue reading Adding and Subtracting the First n Prime Numbers to Get the Next Prime Number
Lill’s Method, Prime Numbers and Tangent of Sum of Angles
In this post I want to explore again the property discussed in my paper “Lill’s Method and the Sum of Arctangents”. I’ll apply the property to this question: If tan(θ1)=2, tan(θ2)=3,tan(θ3)=5,…,tan(θn)=n-th prime number, then what is tan(θ1 + θ2 +… θn)? The question can be easily solved with a calculator. We’ll see that the answer… Continue reading Lill’s Method, Prime Numbers and Tangent of Sum of Angles