Useful Books and Sources to Study Western (European) Symbolism

In my opinion, the study of symbolism should be an important part of the education of any person that wants to understand our civilization. In this post I will focus on books and sources that deal with Western or European symbolism. The two big components of Western/European symbolism are the Greco-Roman derived symbolism and Christian… Continue reading Useful Books and Sources to Study Western (European) Symbolism

Review: Iconologia by Cesare Ripa

Every student of western symbolism should familiarize himself with Iconologia by Cesare Ripa. In the simplest terms, Iconologia can be described as a dictionary of allegorical images. The fist edition was published in 1593 in Perugia. You can find some general info on the Wikipedia page dedicated to Cesare Ripa. The use of allegorical images… Continue reading Review: Iconologia by Cesare Ripa