In this post I want to show a few examples of how a prime number can be obtained from all the preceding prime numbers and 1 using addition and subtraction. In Part 1 I’ll deal with only even-indexed primes: a(n)=prime(2n). 3 is the first even-indexed prime, 7 is the second, 13 is the third, 19… Continue reading Adding and Subtracting 1 and the First n Primes to Get the Next Prime (Part 1)
Category: math
A Prime Counting Sequence and Andrica’s Conjecture
In this post I want to discuss a prime counting sequence similar to OEIS sequence A066888. The sequence A066888 counts the number of primes between 2 consecutive triangular numbers. On the OEIS page of the sequence there is a conjecture that says that there is at least one prime number between 2 consecutive triangular numbers.… Continue reading A Prime Counting Sequence and Andrica’s Conjecture
The Heptagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Circle
The heptagon cannot be constructed with just a ruler and a compass. However, in this post I’ll show how you can construct the heptagon using a hyperbola and the Lill’s circle of a third degree polynomial. The heptagon construction is very similar in nature to my trisection construction that I presented in my “Trisection Hyperbolas… Continue reading The Heptagon, Hyperbola and Lill’s Circle
Trisection Hyperbolas and Lill’s Circle
In my previous blog post about trisection “Angle Trisection: a Neusis Construction using Lill’s Method and Lill’s Circle”, I showed a “mechanical” method for trisecting an angle smaller than 90 degrees. The neusis construction involved the Lill’s method representation of cubic equations of the form x3 -3tan(θ)x2 -3x + tan(θ). These cubic equations have 3 real… Continue reading Trisection Hyperbolas and Lill’s Circle
The Vertex, Axis of Symmetry and Corresponding Fregier Points for Parabola Points
In my blog post “Frégier’s Theorem and Frégier Points” I introduced Fregier’s theorem. In this post I want to show an alternative way of constructing or finding the corresponding Fregier points for points on a Parabola. This alternative method makes use of the Vertex point and the parabola’s axis of symmetry. I am not sure… Continue reading The Vertex, Axis of Symmetry and Corresponding Fregier Points for Parabola Points
Whittaker’s Root Series: Going Transcendental
Whittaker’s Root Series formula is an interesting method that can be used to calculate the root with the smallest absolute value of a polynomial equation. The formula creates a geometrically convergent infinite series using the determinants of a special class of Toeplitz matrices. These Toeplitz matrices are generated using the coefficients of the polynomial equation.… Continue reading Whittaker’s Root Series: Going Transcendental
Angle Trisection: a Neusis Construction using Lill’s Method and Lill’s Circle
The problem of trisecting an angle using just a compass and a straightedge is an impossible problem. However, the problem of angle trisection can be solved if we are allowed the use of a marked ruler. Geometric constructions that use a marked ruler are called neusis constructions. You can learn more about the topic of… Continue reading Angle Trisection: a Neusis Construction using Lill’s Method and Lill’s Circle
Lill’s method and the Philo Line for Right Angles
(Note: This is an article from 2016 that I posted on Hubpages. In this article I used Riaz’s way of illustrating Lill’s method. To become more familiar with Lill’s method I recommend going through the links provided in my Lill’s Method page. Also see my Papers page and my Lill’s method articles/posts. ) In this… Continue reading Lill’s method and the Philo Line for Right Angles
Frégier’s Theorem and Frégier Points
Due to the properties of the Frégier point, Frégier’s theorem provides a practical means of constructing with straightedge and square the tangent to a conic at any point on the respective conic. Constructing a Frégier point is very easy and the procedure is the same for any type of conic section (parabola, hyperbola, ellipse or circle). Right… Continue reading Frégier’s Theorem and Frégier Points
A Very Easy Method to Inscribe a Regular Pentagon in a Circle
The classical way of inscribing a regular pentagon in a circle is discussed in Book IV, Proposition 11 of Euclid’s Elements. The method of Euclid is a bit complicated since it requires first to draw a golden triangle (a 72-72-36 triangle) and then to inscribe the triangle in the given circle. In this post I… Continue reading A Very Easy Method to Inscribe a Regular Pentagon in a Circle