A Very Easy Method to Inscribe a Regular Pentagon in a Circle

The classical way of inscribing a regular pentagon in a circle is discussed in Book IV, Proposition 11 of Euclid’s Elements. The method of Euclid is a bit complicated since it requires first to draw a golden triangle (a 72-72-36 triangle) and then to inscribe the triangle in the given circle. In this post I… Continue reading A Very Easy Method to Inscribe a Regular Pentagon in a Circle

Lill’s Method and Geometric Solutions to Quadratic Equations With Complex Roots

I already wrote a paper called “Lill’s Method and Graphical Solutions to Quadratic Equations” that shows how to solve quadratic equations using Lill’s method. In this post I want to show an alternative way of solving quadratic equations that have complex or imaginary roots. This method was briefly mentioned in the paper “Geometric Solution of… Continue reading Lill’s Method and Geometric Solutions to Quadratic Equations With Complex Roots

My Favorite Songs About Liberty and Rebellion

If I were to make predictions, I would say that the future doesn’t look too bright. I see more centralization of power and curtailment of liberties and freedoms all over the planet. I would not be surprised if in the near future more countries introduce a social credit system like the one implemented in China.… Continue reading My Favorite Songs About Liberty and Rebellion

Mythological Allegories of the Power of Speech, Writing, Propaganda and Rhetoric: Ogmios, Hercules, Hermes, Thoth, Superman and Thulsa Doom

Speech is a powerful lord, which by means of the finest and most invisible body effects the divinest works: it can stop fear and banish grief and create joy and nurture pity. “ Encomium of Helen by Gorgias As our civilization becomes more complex and technologically advance, we also see a push for more centralization of power… Continue reading Mythological Allegories of the Power of Speech, Writing, Propaganda and Rhetoric: Ogmios, Hercules, Hermes, Thoth, Superman and Thulsa Doom

Useful Books and Sources to Study Western (European) Symbolism

In my opinion, the study of symbolism should be an important part of the education of any person that wants to understand our civilization. In this post I will focus on books and sources that deal with Western or European symbolism. The two big components of Western/European symbolism are the Greco-Roman derived symbolism and Christian… Continue reading Useful Books and Sources to Study Western (European) Symbolism

Mantegna Tarocchi Symbolism: Justice (Card 37)

Let’s try to analyze the symbolical elements of Justice from Mantegna Tarocchi. You don’t need to be familiar with Mantegna Tarocchi to appreciate the symbolism. Nonetheless, you can learn about this mysterious deck here and here. Some Context Justice is the 37th image in the Mantegna deck. Cards 31 through 40 can be grouped together,… Continue reading Mantegna Tarocchi Symbolism: Justice (Card 37)

The Hexagram/Six Pointed Star/Star of David and the Golden Ratio

Many people that are familiar with the golden ratio ( Φ = 0.5(1+ 50.5) which is about 1.61803), know that it appears very often in the proportions of the pentagon and the pentagram. In this post I want to present a diagram that connects the golden ratio with the regular hexagram or the six pointed… Continue reading The Hexagram/Six Pointed Star/Star of David and the Golden Ratio

Mantegna Tarocchi Symbolism: Grammar (Card 21)

In this post I want to explore the symbolism found in the Grammar card from Mantegna Tarocchi. Some of the symbolism can be traced to earlier sources, while some things require some speculations. You don’t need to be familiar with the Mantegna Tarocchi to appreciate the symbolism. If you want to read about this mysterious… Continue reading Mantegna Tarocchi Symbolism: Grammar (Card 21)